Is your brand making the right first impression?


  • Branding

You never get a second chance to make a great first impression. Every day, we form lasting impressions on new people, places, and products that we encounter.

Have you ever thought what first impression your business is creating? Is it positive or negative? Well before you’ve finished your first PowerPoint slide or made it halfway through your elevator pitch, a potential client has already formed a view of your company.

Consider this a primer on the places and ways that your brand can make a better first impression.

  1. Company name: Think of this as a handshake; an introduction into who you are. This is the first impression, so it needs convey the right message. How would your brand shake someone’s hand? Firm and confidently? Calmly and compassionately? Your company name is an opportunity to be creative, descriptive and unique – a way to distinguish yourself from competitors in your industry. You may want your name to be something people recognize and connect with, and maybe hint to your line of work or industry. Is it ownable? Pronounceable? Searchable? Can it be abbreviated? Is that abbreviation an acronym that has a negative connotation? All are factors to consider when naming a company.
  2. Logo: Often we connect more with a company logo than a company name. A company’s logo is the foundation of its brand identity. Ideally, this draws prospects in and provides a visual representation of your brand. A well-designed logo is important, but there’s no one key. Do you want your logo to tell a story? Or create a sense of intrigue and mystery? Do you want your logo to look like all of your competitors, or stand out in a crowd? The best logos, above all else, create a feeling – one that ideally creates a sense of connection to the brand.
  3. Business cards: While nearly everything we do in today’s business world is digital, business cards provide an old school, but still relevant, personal touch. Having business cards on hand demonstrates that you’re prepared and able to recognize that business opportunities are everywhere. When you hand someone a business card, your brand stays with them (literally). Creative business cards can also act as an ice breaker and a transition into a deeper conversation. For this reason, it’s important they are industry-appropriate, reflect a sense of professionalism, and are made of a quality product.
  4. Email signature: An email signature provides an opportunity for brand awareness with every message sent. In modern times, they act as a digital business card. Having a consistent email signature companywide establishes credibility. Effective company signatures seek to continue the conversation by providing links to a company’s website, blog, or social media platforms.
  5. Website: A website that is informative and intriguing will spark interest in the minds of consumers and potential business partners. It’s important that when someone visits your company’s website for the first time, they see quality creative assets and relevant educational content all within an easy-to-navigate space.
  6. Office décor: From the moment a prospective client or employee walks into your office, they’re analyzing who you are as a company. Office décor, or lack thereof, can impact their perception of your company, and your team. Do you want your environment to say your company is creative and collaborative? Or transparent and open? Creating an office environment that aligns with your overall business and brand is critical.

All these factors are key points people use to form a first impression of your business. Are there ways you can reinforce your brand?