Breaking Through B2B Healthcare Buzzwords


  • Branding

From ACA (Affordable Care Act) to ZD (Zero Defects), healthcare has long been known as an “acronym rich” industry. But, among business communications, it’s also known for something else: buzzwords.

Following trends in the industry, specific words have gone from popular to overused. Think: interoperability, EHRs, telehealth, mhealth, big data, patient engagement, and population health management, to name a few. 

The problem with buzzwords, in healthcare and other industries, isn’t that everyone is using them. The problem is, they’re poorly defined, and everyone is using the same words to mean different things.

Today’s healthcare buzzwords are positive in that they reflect a shift toward more consumer-focused and a patient-centric approach (to use a buzzword). And yet, when nearly every healthcare provider is offering “patient-centered care” and an improved “patient experience” how can they differentiate? By no means are we saying avoid the buzzwords completely. Rather, to breakthrough and differentiate yourself, focus on redefining these buzzwords and providing supportive messaging. This applies to both healthcare providers and facilities, as well as companies selling services and solutions for healthcare institutions.

Know What Makes you Different

Simply saying your solution or service improves the patient experience or enhances coordination of care does not give prospects a reason to buy. To differentiate, brands need to dig deeper into their process, features, and approach to determine what makes them truly unique. With a differentiated message, organizations can clearly communicate why they’re special and why their target audience should take notice. 

Back up your Claims

If your business sells a service or solution to healthcare facilities, it is critical to explain how your offering will help enhance the patient experience. The ultimate goal is for your product or service to assist providers in delivering value to patients.  Purchasing decision-makers not only want to know how, they want proof points. To support your story, B2B healthcare organizations should use quantitative and qualitative facts and figures to demonstrate tangible success.

Focus on What Makes you Different

With differentiated messaging and data to support your claims, the next step is promoting your brand’s unique selling points. A consistent brand message should extend across all marketing channels. The core messaging and proof points should be the basis for every case study, whitepaper, media interview, and even every tweet. By focusing on your benefits and differentiators, you take the buzzwords beyond face value. You can explain what the buzzwords actually mean to your organization.

With a better understanding of your unique offering and benefits, your organization doesn’t have to rely on buzzwords. You can clearly communicate what you do and why it matters to stand out in the healthcare landscape.